واژگان بسیاری در انگلیسی وجود دارد که با وجود تشابه معنایی در شرایط متفاوتی استفاده می شوند. واژه های like و as از این دست واژگان است که در ادامه به نحوه استفاده از آنها می پردازیم. به این مثالها نگاه کنید تا با نمونه هایی از آنها آشنا شوید.

I worked as an actor for two years.
I went home early as I felt ill. 
He looks as if he hasn’t slept.
As you know, this is the third time I’ve had to complain.
He looks like his dad. 
She’s like a sister to me.
Try to do something relaxing, like reading a book or having a bath.

کاربرد as و like برای مقایسه

واژه های like و as اغلب اشتباه گرفته می شوند زیرا هر دو می توانند برای مقایسه استفاده شوند. با این حال، تفاوت های مهمی بین آنها وجود دارد.

as + adjective + as and as much as

ما اغلب از ساختار بالا استفاده می کنیم که بگوییم اگر چیزی از لحاظ کیفیت یا مقدار به اندازه چیز دیگری است.

She loves curry as much as I do.
He’s not as tall as his brother.
It’s not as expensive as the other hotel.
That dog is as big as that child!

همچنین در شکلی دیگر از مقایسه می بایست از as در عبارت the same استفاده شود.

Your phone is the same as mine.
Texting is not the same as speaking in person.

like + noun

در مقایسه های زیر ، like با یک اسم یا ضمیر دنبال می شود تا بگوید دو چیز مشابه هستند.

He’s like a father to me.
She’s acting like a child.
It’s like a burger but with big mushrooms instead of bread.
There are lots of people like us.

یکی از روش های رایج مقایسه استفاده از like با افعال حواس پنجگانه می باشد.

She looks like her mother.
It sounds like a cat.
Nothing tastes like homemade lemonade.
It smells like medicine.
It feels like cotton.

as if/as though + clause

از واژه های as if و as though می توان برای مقایسه یک وضعیت واقعی با یک وضعیت خیالی استفاده کرد. آنها با یک عبارت (یک فاعل و یک فعل) دنبال می شوند.

You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.
I felt as if I was floating above the ground.
You talk as though we’re never going to see each other again.

مثال زدن

ما می توانیم از واژه های like یا such as برای مثال زدن استفاده کنیم.

You could try a team sport like football, basketball or hockey.
You should take something soft, such as a towel, to lie on.

صحبت کردن درباره شغل یا عملکرد

ما می توانیم از as + noun برای صحبت کردن درباره شغل یا عملکرد (منظور استفاده از چیزی بعنوان چیز دیگر) استفاده کنیم.

I worked as a shop assistant for two years.
He used his coat as a blanket to keep warm.

استفاده از as جهت اتصال دو عبارت

واژه as می تواند به عنوان یک حرف ربط برای اتصال دو عبارت استفاده شود. البته باید توجه داشت که در شرایط مختلف می تواند معانی متفاوتی داشته باشد.

واژه as به معنای because

All the tickets were sold out as we got there too late.
As the road was closed, I had to park on the next street.

واژه as بمعنای while

She called as I was getting out of the bath.
As they were arriving, we were leaving.

واژه as بمعنی in the way that

As we expected, it started to rain.
As you know, classes restart on 15 January.
As I said, I think this project will be a challenge.

توجه داشته باشید که در گفتار غیررسمی ، مردم گاهی اوقات از like برای in the way that استفاده می کنند.

Like I said, I didn’t know her.

از طریق آیکن گوشه چپ می توانید این آموزش را با دیگران به اشتراک بگذارید.

منبع: British Council

As و Like
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